is the best website for verb conjugation!

Over 76 000 verbs are automatically conjugated (of which 3 230 irregular verbs!):

15 000 English Verbs + 9 125 Spanish Verbs + 12 000 Portuguese verbs + 15 000 German verbs + 12 000 French Verbs + 12 000 Italian Verbs + 1000 Russian Verbs.

Conjugate verbs in one click

What is verb conjugation?

French verb conjugation rules is the best website for English verb conjugation, Spanish verb conjugation, Portuguese verb conjugation, German verb conjugation, French verb conjugation, Italian verb conjugation and Russian verb conjugation is the original verb conjugation website, and the only site that conjugates over 15 000 verbs in English, 9 125 verbs in Spanish, 12 000 verbs in Portuguese, 15 000 verbs in German, 12 000 verbs in French, 12000 Italian verbs and 1000 Russian verbs in all 3 forms, affirmative, interrogative, and negative, in all tenses, genders, persons, voices, and moods. will also translate verbs from English and Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Italian and Russian in over 35 different languages. has developed its proprietary rule databases and its innovative technology, the conjugation engineTM, built with proprietary cutting-edge technical and linguistic tools.

The conjugation engine TM  fully automates verb conjugation in an approachable, simple, usable, fast, and efficient manner, from a proprietary database that includes close to :

- 14 000 English regular verbs,  8 900 Spanish regular verbs, 11 000 Portuguese regular verbs, 14 700 German regular verbs, 11 800 French regular verbs, 11 600 Italian verbs and around 900 Russian regular verbs

- 1 000 English irregular verbs, 225 Spanish irregular verbs, 1 000 Portuguese irregular verbs, 300 German irregular verbs (although in the case of German verb conjugation, there is a trend toward normalization of the irregular or "strong" verbs, which are progressively becoming regular or "weak" verbs), 200 French irregular verbs, 400 Italian irregular verbs and 100 Russian irregular verbs.

Built with proprietary rule databases, and cutting-edge technical and linguistic tools, the conjugation engine TM is an automatic verb conjugator that will instantaneously display any English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French or Italian verb in any person, number, gender, tense, mood, voice, and form.

The conjugation engine TM will instantaneously display conjugated verbs in all 3 forms—affirmative, interrogative, and negative—in all tenses and persons. It will also conjugate the modal verbs. This full set of features can only be found on

Conjugate verbs in one click

Just type the verb that you want to conjugate in any form.

It can be any verb, regular or irregular. It does not have to be the infinitive.

Click on “Conjugate”. A new page is instantaneously displayed, with the verb shown in all of its forms, voices, and tenses.

Example: Conjugation on the French verb "etre"   
Je suis,  Vous êtes,  .....  Ils sont    (positive, Simple Present)
J'ai été, Vous avez été, ,. Ils ontété (positive, Present Perfect)
N'ayant pas été    (Négatif, Participe Passé)
Avais-je été ?, Avez-vous été ? ,. Avaient-ils été ?(Interrogatif, Plus-que-parfait)

You can use it as many times as you want! It’s free and available to everyone.

What is verb conjugation?

Learning how to conjugate verbs is essential for learning a language.

Conjugation is the creation of derived forms of a verb from its principal parts by inflection (regular alteration according to rules of grammar).

Conjugation may be affected by person, number, gender, tense, aspect, mood, voice, or other grammatical categories.

Conjugated forms of a verb are called finite forms. In many languages there are also one or more forms that remain unchanged with all or most grammatical categories: the non-finite forms, such as the infinitive or the gerund. A table giving all the conjugated variants of a verb in a given language is called a conjugation table or a verb paradigm.

French Verb Conjugation Rules

In French, verbs can be grouped into three different groups.

These are the verbs that end on “ER”, the verbs ending on “RE” or “OIR” and the verbs that end on “IR” or “IR2”. “IR2“-verbs are IR-verbs that are conjugated like the verb “finir”.

Imperatif (Verb primitive + ending from table)

je - - - -
tu -e -s -s -is
il/elle - - - -
nous -ons -ons -ons -issons
vous -ez -ez -ez -issez
ils/elles - - - -


Présent (Verb primitive + ending from table)

je -e -s -s -is
tu -es -s -s -is
il/elle -e -t -t -it
nous -ons -ons -ons -issons
vous -ez -ez -ez -issez
ils/elles -ent -ent -ent -issent

Participe Présent

-ant -ant -ant issant

Imparfait (Verb primitive + ending from table, e.g. visiter => je visit + ais, tu visit + ais etc.)

je -ais -ais -ais -issais
tu -ais -ais -ais -issais
il/elle -ait -ait -ait -issait
nous -ions -ions -ions -issions
vous -iez -iez -iez -issiez
ils/elles -aient -aient -aient -issaient

Passé Simple (Verb primitive + ending from table)

je -ai -is -is
tu -as -is -is
il/elle -a -it -it
nous -âmes -îmes -îmes
vous -âtes -îtes -îtes
ils/elles -èrent -irent -irent


je -erai -rai -irai
tu -eras -ras -iras
il/elle -era -ra -ira
nous -erons -rons -irons
vous -erez -rez -irez
ils/elles -eront -ront -iront


Présent (Verb primitive + ending from table)

que je -e -e -e -isse
que tu -es -es -es -isses
qu'il/elle -e -e -e -isse
que nous -ions -ions -ions -issions
que vous -iez -iez -iez -issiez
qu'ils/elles -ent -ent -ent -issent

Imparfait (Verb primitive + ending from table)

que je -asse -isse -isse
que tu -asses -isses -isses
qu'il/elle -ât -ît -ît
que nous -assions -issions -issions
que vous -assiez -issiez -issiez
qu'ils/elles -assent -issent -issent

Conditionnel Présent (Verb primitive + ending from table)

je -erais -rais -irais
tu -erais -rais -irais
il/elle -erait -rait -irait
nous -erions -rions -irions
vous -eriez -riez -iriez
ils/elles -eraient -raient -iraient

Infinitif Passé

-u -i

Passé Composé

  ER / RE / OIR / IR / IR2
je suis / ai + Infinitif Passé
tu es / as + Infinitif Passé
il/elle est / a + Infinitif Passé
nous sommes / avons + Infinitif Passé
vous êtes / avez + Infinitif Passé
ils/elles sont / ont + Infinitif Passé


  ER / RE / OIR / IR / IR2
je étais / avais + Infinitif Passé
tu étais / avais + Infinitif Passé
il/elle était / avait + Infinitif Passé
nous étions / avions + Infinitif Passé
vous étiez / aviez + Infinitif Passé
ils/elles étaient / avaient + Infinitif Passé

Passé Antérieur

  ER / RE / OIR / IR / IR2
je fus / eus + Infinitif Passé
tu fus / eus + Infinitif Passé
il/elle fut / eut + Infinitif Passé
nous fûmes / eûmes + Infinitif Passé
vous fûtes / eûtes + Infinitif Passé
ils/elles furent / eurent + Infinitif Passé

Futur Antérieur

  ER / RE / OIR / IR / IR2
je serai / aurai + Infinitif Passé
tu seras / auras + Infinitif Passé
il/elle sera / aura + Infinitif Passé
nous serons / aurons + Infinitif Passé
vous serez / aurez + Infinitif Passé
ils/elles seront / auront + Infinitif Passé



  ER / RE / OIR / IR / IR2
que je sois / aie + Infinitif Passé
que tu sois / aies + Infinitif Passé
qu'il/elle soit / ait + Infinitif Passé
que nous soyons / ayons + Infinitif Passé
que vous soyez / ayez + Infinitif Passé
qu'ils/elles soient / aient + Infinitif Passé


  ER / RE / OIR / IR / IR2
que je fusse / eusse + Infinitif Passé
que tu fusses / eusses + Infinitif Passé
qu'il/elle fût / eût + Infinitif Passé
que nous fussions / eussions + Infinitif Passé
que vous fussiez / eussiez + Infinitif Passé
qu'ils/elles fussent / eussent + Infinitif Passé

Conditionnel Passé

  ER / RE / OIR / IR / IR2
je serais / aurais + Infinitif Passé
tu serais / aurais + Infinitif Passé
il/elle serait / aurait + Infinitif Passé
nous serions / aurions + Infinitif Passé
vous seriez / auriez + Infinitif Passé
ils/elles seraient / auraient + Infinitif Passé